Please, Forget About Vivian - Chapter 4
You don't have anything in histories
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the emperor is strong that is why when she tried to remove his memories she lost her’s too. The reason for the emperor not wanting a child was because of her health because she is weak
i think his health issues had nothing to do whit the spell, it was probably having the baby what made it worse but she did survive for 7 years
baby im not even hallucination
Since it damaged her health, she shouldn’t have even erased their memories at all. Especially since she’s planning on going right back to the palace, everything ended up being futile. She should’ve just ran away without doing anything, there’s magic so I’m sure there was something she could’ve used to hide her identity. Not only that, she has the power to make people faint so she could easily escape and sneak on a ship to another kingdom.
she did say earlier that removing that many memories was risky and there was definitely backlash while removing his memories of her. im pretty sure that’s why she’s ill and lost her own memories too. this was pretty reckless of her since she went ahead with the memory removal plan even when she was tired and really exhausted when removing the memory of the person she had to focus on the most.
let’s be honest talking about “this ruins her plans” she only erased the memories of the people in the palace what about her family? even if they are awful they would be really curious why their daughter who married the imperial family isn’t showing up anywhere.
Isn’t the bird his memory just flying around all this time, since its been with the wife and child all this time he’ll gain new memories of his daughter if it ever goes back in to him
Well, she erased her memories so she doesn’t know who to avoid
Sh*t🤦🏻♀️ This just ruins her whole plan