Please, Forget About Vivian - Chapter 3
You don't have anything in histories
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baby im not even hallucination
1) FINALLY A DAUGHTER! Hallelujah! Boys are cool & all but daughters are so rare in manhwas
2) If it’s been 7 years, I’m surprised no one has come to claim themselves as the mysterious Vivian knowing that the emperor doesn’t remember her face.
I lowkey can’t understand the logic and foundation of the story… Both of them have vague memories of each other? What are their powers? Should i dig deeper how their power works or just let the plot handle it whichever way
Well looks like she is dying so she has to come back oh poor girl.
A dying FL 😂 she’s setting this child up the be the MC of a depressing novel where her father blames and ignores her for her mother’s death
wait what
Booooooooooo so this is how the author is going to sweep all that abuse under the rug.
Some people forget that there’s something called text along with the images lol u need to read it too, u know?
Are people in the comments seriously dumb these days? I mean she literally said that “If I used all my abilities on samuel,then MY MEMORY WOULDN’T BE SAFE EITHER” she literally managed to erase the memory of the strongest mage in the empire ofc that’ll have some impact on her and basically her relationship with the ML is toxic you can’t blame her ,aren’t you guys atleast a tadbit impressed about the fact that she’s on the same level with the ML when it comes to powers?srsly what’s wrong with you guys the translation is not even a mess or did you not read the last chapter and just skipped all the way here 😒
She erased her memory to avoid her husband, and now shes looking for her husband with her memory erased. Lol. Are you dumb? Bad plan from the beginning. Smh
um girl what?
Wait… so did she also forget?
So she erased her memories and who does she have to find?