Please, Forget About Vivian - Chapter 2
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I bet my left kidney that she’s going back to him at the end. Classic 😭 WE WANT A BETTER ML
baby im not even hallucination
i feel like authors put children in their stories just so they can have an excuse to put the two main leads together because otherwise there would literally be no other reason for the FL to go back.
@MiscMech you’re completely right. There is a difference between being concerned for someone’s health and imprisoning them under the pretense of “protection”
I still don’t understand whats the ML’s deal with being so controlling when he was a sunshine before??? smth sketchy
Woahh i kinda have a conclusion why that trash i mean emperor doesn’t want to have a child because as vivian said she can’t be pregnant because of her weak body and because of her ability so there is a very high chance that vivian might die… Well that is all
Oh no…
I’ve noticed that 98% of the time, if FL has a child with trash, she ends up going back to him in the end.
Who’s gonna bet that his “not wanting a child” is really him being ~concerned for her health~ and that the abuse and the neglect and the literal imprisonment will all get hand-waved away. It doesn’t matter his “reasons” for treating her poorly. What matters is he’s locked her up, ignored her, disregarded her feelings and opinions, etc.
@Sunoo_best_boy2.0 I have the same thoughts.
But I think there is more to it.
I think that mystery woman who has created a rumour of Samuel meeting some other woman, she could have a trump card in hand against him or Vivian or both.
She may have blackmailed or threatened him, and he is doing eveything he could to protect her.
Palace is a nest of conspiracy.
Your life is on the line in every waking moment.
So he is over-protective to the point of obsession because the cruel reality.
He is just putting his all in protecting her.
And I strongly believe that there is a big enemy present and that said enemy is the result of all his exceeding anxiety and him ever tightening his grip around her.
I felt deeply sorry for Samuel.
It’s always such inevitable misunderstandings when you want to protect your most precious one without worrying them.
It’s as if you couldn’t do both at the same time, specially when you cross the line of sensibility in your actions.
Hope he doesn’t get too hurt, though I doubt that.
However, what is for sure is that he will regain his memories duo to him being very powerful in terms of his magic power.
I hope things wouldn’t go worse when he does, and instead I wish they all find happiness in the end.
I think Samuel is just happy to have Vivian not anything else, because of Vivian’s weak constitution she can’t be pregnant, or maybe he thinks that Vivian is pressured because of not having a heir
. Just like Vivian said there are no possibilities that she could get preg. Maybe Samuel knows that… And said that he doesn’t want children because it will make Vivian’s health deteriorate?
hope she doesnt get back with whats his name
Thank you for this 😍waiting for more updates.
This woman… doesn’t make sense. With power comes pride. And how can someone that powerful act like such a loser?
Hope you find someone better than sir a**hole over there😒
This font is ridiculous and she kind of reminds me of Trashta but prettier
I hope she finds someone better. I could careless about his reason for locking her up. And using her to release his stress.
i already hate the ml
bro tf u crying???
I’m actually celebrating her leaving