Please, Forget About Vivian - Chapter 10
You don't have anything in histories
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One thing manwha’s lack is communication 😍 but seriously if you’re in a relationship please communicate with your partner. Communicating is a big part in a relationship 😭
2nd chance in a really weird way since they’re both struggling with their memories lol
Neways i feel so fcking bad for lucia, she really got this responsibility to be the only who knows wtf is going on 🙁
Can’t blame her if she doesn’t wanna help fl directly with the husband search
Can’t blame her if she’s being idle about it
Fl should’ve atleast taken in another trustworthy friend for lucia to discuss such issues
@Rococo-chan this manhwa hasn’t done a good job in the visual story-telling.
It’s too hasty.
A lot of important details are missing.
So it doesn’t make sense many time than not.
Hope it’s not going to get worst as the story progresses.
I know for a fact that, if this misunderstanding had not gotten that deep to the point o a heartbreak for Vivian, and he hadn’t left him like that, she could have got the cure and lived a happy life with her love and her children.
She simply put an end to her and his happiness altogether.
I know her psychological state so I’m not exactly blaming her here.
Yet, it’s such a pity that one who is so close to happiness, looses everything in search of it!!
Just because the said person is not aware of the happiness that is coming so close to her.
It only takes ‘patience’.
The only price to pay is patience, and it is of course one of the hardest thing to do when it matters the most.
Don’t fall in love with him again he’s an a**hole remember all the sh*t you went through because of him😡
She bought a store when she’s going to die soon? Instead of preparing for the worst for her daughters in case he never finds her husband?
I don’t know may be there is more story to it may be after been so unloved and loosing his loved once in his childhood made him afraid to lose her and that why he wanted to keep her near him and didn’t want to let her go maybe we should give this ml a second chance 🥺 i don’t know