Her family wasn’t cursed by the dragon but rather blessed. That’s why this collateral relative can fool anyone with his lies.
Since Mel is from the main line, her powers are stronger. The “curse” which killed her mother actually isn’t fatal unless someone interferes (we already know the stepmom poisoned her)
The empress is sick in the same way (a distant relation?) but the clan knows the treatment/cure.
Everyone is hiding because the temple’s been kidnapping and killing them to use the blessing for their own purposes (fake holy water?)
Yes time to save someone!
Im_into romance
Wdm “i hurt”😭😭nigga use English
Aaaaas TL I hate you so much , it’s really hard to understand what’s happening because of the TL
ahhhh a lovely plot twists that will actually help the store….I have been waiting for soo long…..
Her family wasn’t cursed by the dragon but rather blessed. That’s why this collateral relative can fool anyone with his lies.
Since Mel is from the main line, her powers are stronger. The “curse” which killed her mother actually isn’t fatal unless someone interferes (we already know the stepmom poisoned her)
The empress is sick in the same way (a distant relation?) but the clan knows the treatment/cure.
Everyone is hiding because the temple’s been kidnapping and killing them to use the blessing for their own purposes (fake holy water?)
Bumping off the family with the dragons blessing…. What a messed up church
the translation is suck, it not like im not grateful…but it make me more confuse about the story😵
The church is killing them off
Finally revealed! It must have taken a lot of work for someone to hide the dragon blessing as a curse.