What he was saying was that when Mel found him all beat up and alone it was because the red pirates were the ones who attacked him. When he saw the article that she beat them up he thought “Omg did she beat up those red pirates to avenge me! She must’ve beat them up because of me” and the narrator of the story is revealing that Mel never even know that the red pirates were the ones who beat him up. He never told her, so how would she have known lol. Little kids don’t think that far 😂
i’m glad the series is treating the kids as individuals with agency and their own B plots. a lot of these kinds of series treat them like animals who are the passive receptacles of whatever the MC has in mind, so this is a nice change
Oho @PizzaParty…I thought you said we’d read this together??? YOU TRAITOR!! Now I know what you were doing on your computer while I was doing math…😠
Dang I don’t remember which one I left off on…
the little prince has failed task succsessfully….
What he was saying was that when Mel found him all beat up and alone it was because the red pirates were the ones who attacked him. When he saw the article that she beat them up he thought “Omg did she beat up those red pirates to avenge me! She must’ve beat them up because of me” and the narrator of the story is revealing that Mel never even know that the red pirates were the ones who beat him up. He never told her, so how would she have known lol. Little kids don’t think that far 😂
This is so fricken cute! I can’t wait for more!
Kids in manhwa is so adorable??
i’m glad the series is treating the kids as individuals with agency and their own B plots. a lot of these kinds of series treat them like animals who are the passive receptacles of whatever the MC has in mind, so this is a nice change
Like so what
Ahhh i need moar djdjdjd
Oouh I’m addicted to…
Sharp Knife
I think the little prince might have assumed she beat up the red pirates because they bullied him ? he’s so precious
She really hiding her power.. hahhhaha..