Theoretically speaking, his twin brother could’ve survive somehow due to their relation to merfolk. The boy drowned, nothing was said about his body. Of course ordinary human would die in this situation, but twins probably aren’t? Nobody in the family knew about mother’s origin, so they logically assumed boy’s death
maybe he is half human that why his mother have that ring and necklace and why he is weak and sick
If he find out he will become stronger and healthier than before
Theoretically speaking, his twin brother could’ve survive somehow due to their relation to merfolk. The boy drowned, nothing was said about his body. Of course ordinary human would die in this situation, but twins probably aren’t? Nobody in the family knew about mother’s origin, so they logically assumed boy’s death
We obviously already know that his mother was probably a runaway merfolk
maybe he is half human that why his mother have that ring and necklace and why he is weak and sick
If he find out he will become stronger and healthier than before
Weird that his twin brother drowned then, this must mean that although they are half merfolks they didn’t got the ability’s from them.