and @kittycat1234 on another note your sole problem is ML is in child form most of the time so my comment is abnormal -_- like really??? then I suppose you will also have problem when he get in adult form if he have intimate moments in that?? if not your comment is hella dumb…… there are many stories which starts with child MC so what should I do? not demand r19 when they grow up?? ML is adult & also gets back to his adult form if someone have problem with romance because of he was child most of the time, what can I do?? how does them having problem with that make me crap? we all have different opinion & perspectives what I like, you won’t vice versa what I consider abnormal you might not, that doesn’t mean ppl should jump with the most stupid conclusion.
@kittycat1234 the problem with people like you is they are very quick to judge without considering different possibilities and you earned those insults don’t act like a retard now, it’s not like ML doesn’t regain his og form, 64 chaps in anyone can easily get my point unless you came in with this sheer stupidity, and what ending you red? in manhwa it ends with kiss I wanted more clearly u pea sized brain couldn’t comprehend that the user would be taking about after ML regain his og form and there is no interest in his child form from that pov. So there was nothing abnormal in my comment to begin with, you not getting it is not my problem nor my responsibility, idk how many you have red but many manhwas have r19 side stories or ending it’s also not my problem that you couldn’t think of it, I just wanted that element in this story but here we are with that dumbass comment of yours clearly not considering like the user below me even.
?? a story involving lots of children and you want it to be r18? friking gooner brain i wish i could block users so i dont have to see their dmb commnts
64 chapters in…….. you can’t be so dumb to not understand my comment, you are extremely braindead to conclude shit I should be the one to say on blocking dumb people, they read with their eyes close what children?? where?? are you stupid?? and ofc r19 is in regards with his og form you braindead fool, is it so hard to understand the obvious? like I literally have pointed out the story is over & I wish xyz because I know the ending………. seriously you & the user above so stupid so weird
LMAO misregard my comment when my point is that he is literally in child form for most of the series, and that it involves children appearances a lot which makes it weird. just bc u insulted me a lot doesn’t mean what you said is normal. i also read the ending? so i dont get your point.
hohohoohohohohohohohohoo my only complain is it’s not r19.. TT__TT ik it have ended and it’s catching upto raws I like it soooooooooo much TTTTTTTTTT_TTTTTTTTTTTT I wanted to see their children honey moon arc mushy mushy time but TTTTTTTT_TTTTTTTTT
Forget the manhwa, the catfight in the comment section is comedy gold
and @kittycat1234 on another note your sole problem is ML is in child form most of the time so my comment is abnormal -_- like really??? then I suppose you will also have problem when he get in adult form if he have intimate moments in that?? if not your comment is hella dumb…… there are many stories which starts with child MC so what should I do? not demand r19 when they grow up?? ML is adult & also gets back to his adult form if someone have problem with romance because of he was child most of the time, what can I do?? how does them having problem with that make me crap? we all have different opinion & perspectives what I like, you won’t vice versa what I consider abnormal you might not, that doesn’t mean ppl should jump with the most stupid conclusion.
@kittycat1234 the problem with people like you is they are very quick to judge without considering different possibilities and you earned those insults don’t act like a retard now, it’s not like ML doesn’t regain his og form, 64 chaps in anyone can easily get my point unless you came in with this sheer stupidity, and what ending you red? in manhwa it ends with kiss I wanted more clearly u pea sized brain couldn’t comprehend that the user would be taking about after ML regain his og form and there is no interest in his child form from that pov. So there was nothing abnormal in my comment to begin with, you not getting it is not my problem nor my responsibility, idk how many you have red but many manhwas have r19 side stories or ending it’s also not my problem that you couldn’t think of it, I just wanted that element in this story but here we are with that dumbass comment of yours clearly not considering like the user below me even.
For the sake of my sanity, I’m just gonna think they meant when the ML is in his adult form and move along 😀
?? a story involving lots of children and you want it to be r18? friking gooner brain i wish i could block users so i dont have to see their dmb commnts
64 chapters in…….. you can’t be so dumb to not understand my comment, you are extremely braindead to conclude shit I should be the one to say on blocking dumb people, they read with their eyes close what children?? where?? are you stupid?? and ofc r19 is in regards with his og form you braindead fool, is it so hard to understand the obvious? like I literally have pointed out the story is over & I wish xyz because I know the ending………. seriously you & the user above so stupid so weird
LMAO misregard my comment when my point is that he is literally in child form for most of the series, and that it involves children appearances a lot which makes it weird. just bc u insulted me a lot doesn’t mean what you said is normal. i also read the ending? so i dont get your point.
authorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪 I have a little req 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪 need some more 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
hohohoohohohohohohohohoo my only complain is it’s not r19.. TT__TT ik it have ended and it’s catching upto raws I like it soooooooooo much TTTTTTTTTT_TTTTTTTTTTTT I wanted to see their children honey moon arc mushy mushy time but TTTTTTTT_TTTTTTTTT