this is completely irrelevant to what’s happening in this chapter but how come the fathers are so old? i get it, you age. However, both children of Duke Shryne and the King are 13-15? somewhere in that age range. But the dads look like they just turned 60, they need to at least be in their 30s or 40s for children that young unless they decided to have a kid at a later time.
They don’t need to have handsome faces, but it makes me think they just have poor genes lol ugh idk maybe theres some dads out there who look really old for their age, i wouldn’t know since my dad left for the milk. Perhaps im analyzing things too deeply, its 4am rn so i could be high on sleep deprivation.
Her face shape lowkey looks like a dude’s
baby im not even hallucination
this is completely irrelevant to what’s happening in this chapter but how come the fathers are so old? i get it, you age. However, both children of Duke Shryne and the King are 13-15? somewhere in that age range. But the dads look like they just turned 60, they need to at least be in their 30s or 40s for children that young unless they decided to have a kid at a later time.
They don’t need to have handsome faces, but it makes me think they just have poor genes lol ugh idk maybe theres some dads out there who look really old for their age, i wouldn’t know since my dad left for the milk. Perhaps im analyzing things too deeply, its 4am rn so i could be high on sleep deprivation.
Baldie take several seats