FabledSable ?? Why would she wanna stay by Iape?? I don’t get it. She already knows the location(or where the Iape dude found it in the original) why not go find it(or try to at least). Cause even if she goes with him why would he give her credit for the find?? May 9, 2024 at 7:43 am Log in to Reply
Princess Duck Why would someone wanna talk about insignificant character like him lol August 7, 2023 at 7:37 am Log in to Reply
Jeez But I guess no one else is talking about him becuz that’s how irrelevant he is🤷 I mean Id also rather talk about how funny the toy looks🤔 May 28, 2023 at 10:32 am Log in to Reply
Tell your parents to unadopt him wth 🤨
?? Why would she wanna stay by Iape?? I don’t get it. She already knows the location(or where the Iape dude found it in the original) why not go find it(or try to at least). Cause even if she goes with him why would he give her credit for the find??
Princess Duck
Why would someone wanna talk about insignificant character like him lol
But I guess no one else is talking about him becuz that’s how irrelevant he is🤷
I mean Id also rather talk about how funny the toy looks🤔
Aw well damn the brother
The toy😆😂😂