Wait wait wait….so we’re just jumping right into the tragedy and memory loss then? I thought we’d get more of her story (and his) before that happened….well, hopefully it’ll go back.
It’s not like most of these stories take place in our (Earth’s) past anyways. Asking them to be “historically accurate” when they don’t even follow real history is a bit of a stretch. The practice of surgeons washing their hands is less than 200 years old…
Although, if you want “realism” in a humorous manner, try, “Let’s Take a Bath, Duke!”
Wait wait wait….so we’re just jumping right into the tragedy and memory loss then? I thought we’d get more of her story (and his) before that happened….well, hopefully it’ll go back.
do they know blood types at this era?blood transfusion is not that simple
Poor carriage drivers😭😭
I always see them getting involved and dying with no one to care about them since everyone is flocked around the mc.
It’s not like most of these stories take place in our (Earth’s) past anyways. Asking them to be “historically accurate” when they don’t even follow real history is a bit of a stretch. The practice of surgeons washing their hands is less than 200 years old…
Although, if you want “realism” in a humorous manner, try, “Let’s Take a Bath, Duke!”
atleast they are pretending that medicine is growing practice not just magically close to modern medicine.