First, I don’t care whatever reason they had, abandonment deserves no second chance. So, I hope the FL won’t play friends with them again. At most, forgive them but that’s it. Second, I hope the dragon on the cover can shape-shift into a human and is the ML because if that shite of a duke is the ML, I’m dropping this.
I’d be cornelia I’d say : if you want me to guide you there’s 2 condition : a public apology for the mistreatment I’ve received in the past coming FROM THE EMPEROR and the warriors and money for the past mission and that one, not just a little bit, A LOT enough to make me as rich as a Duke with some land. bitch it was free the first time but you treated her like a disposable pawn so yeah it’s time to beg
First, I don’t care whatever reason they had, abandonment deserves no second chance. So, I hope the FL won’t play friends with them again. At most, forgive them but that’s it. Second, I hope the dragon on the cover can shape-shift into a human and is the ML because if that shite of a duke is the ML, I’m dropping this.
i think FL is gonna be friends with the Dragon, I HOPE SHE KILLS THEM ALL!!
Kill the dragon, that protected you loyal for an eternity?
all I have to say is
f*ck all of you guys with all my heart
If debron is the ML I’ll personally slap him in the face
lorde i hope she hides until they all crawl on their knees begging esp the black haired blue eyed guy lol
Cornelia better hide. Let them walk to their graves😤
I’d be cornelia I’d say : if you want me to guide you there’s 2 condition : a public apology for the mistreatment I’ve received in the past coming FROM THE EMPEROR and the warriors and money for the past mission and that one, not just a little bit, A LOT enough to make me as rich as a Duke with some land. bitch it was free the first time but you treated her like a disposable pawn so yeah it’s time to beg
Don’t find her.
Just don’t.
Wow you treated her like a dust rag, now you’re looking for her?
And then what?
Throw her away again?
Wow the ducking nerve!