I’m not sure do she just have to marry to get back home or make any lead fall for her if it’s marriage she can put any contract secretive or this kind of marriage she can give them benefit of divorce or make up some story why she need that and I think for this role CP/Knight would be easier than duke I wonder what would be the role of other 2 game FLs one who is a saintess and other a noble lady will her charm work on them or they’ll be like MLs
Empyrean Lie
Did she think this still a game??? Not being able to log out in the first chapter ago itself is bad premonition.
hoe think first
She will never learn her lesson
To be honest I think FL is too desperate like pushing herself to the 3 ml which is annoying.I hope she may know her limits 🙂🤦
I’m not sure do she just have to marry to get back home or make any lead fall for her if it’s marriage she can put any contract secretive or this kind of marriage she can give them benefit of divorce or make up some story why she need that and I think for this role CP/Knight would be easier than duke I wonder what would be the role of other 2 game FLs one who is a saintess and other a noble lady will her charm work on them or they’ll be like MLs
She is very desperate to go back home.
She kinda irritates me like I get her situation but damn if the first two didnt work slow your roll.