This would not happen is use a goddamn veil at the very start, or stay in her freakin room and starts collecting info.
Also she’s like a piece of potted flower for a brain. Utterly useless. Heck, i bet she will help the kidnappers count the money if she got kidnapped.
Well artist, thank you for the gorgeous art. But i must pull my foot from here cuz the story is, uhhh, not to my liking.
Please author-nim!! Please let my Sir Roger be the actual Male Lead!!
Margo is sus, the cp is more sus.. But margo feels more human than these npc ppl rn
Damn i hate this already istg
Empyrean Lie
This would not happen is use a goddamn veil at the very start, or stay in her freakin room and starts collecting info.
Also she’s like a piece of potted flower for a brain. Utterly useless. Heck, i bet she will help the kidnappers count the money if she got kidnapped.
Well artist, thank you for the gorgeous art. But i must pull my foot from here cuz the story is, uhhh, not to my liking.
B*tch you stupid 😑 but if her reachin rock bottom is whats gonna take. So be it
This is sooo dark I love it.