Once Wicked, Always Wicked - Chapter 48
You don't have anything in histories
Once Wicked Always Wicked, Once Wicked Always Wicked english, Once Wicked Always Wicked manhwa, Once Wicked Always Wicked novel, Once Wicked Always Wicked webtoon, The evil woman goes the way of the evil woman english, The evil woman goes the way of the evil woman manhwa, The evil woman goes the way of the evil woman novel, The evil woman goes the way of the evil woman webtoon, 악녀는 악녀의 길을 간다, 악녀는 악녀의 길을 간다 english, 악녀는 악녀의 길을 간다 manhwa, 악녀는 악녀의 길을 간다 novel, 악녀는 악녀의 길을 간다 webtoon
Too bad we don’t have those kinds on manhwa anywhere
@MiscMech AGREED!
I wish she’d handle these situations herself more often. It seems like she’s always biting off more than she can chew and ml has to bail her out. Can’t our girl get a win?