Iamrose Honestly what’d she save the bitch for She’s not wrong about one thing,He never cared for her and suddenly acts like he’ll loose his beloved sister or something May 5, 2024 at 8:39 pm Log in to Reply
Mandragora Teasing a sibling and wanting them to die are very different things…. March 2, 2023 at 1:47 pm Log in to Reply
FaeBreeze These IDIOTS. Also, I’d expect more soldiers at a royal ball. Seems like only the prince and the Mister lookalike had swords… February 10, 2023 at 3:56 am Log in to Reply
Honestly what’d she save the bitch for
She’s not wrong about one thing,He never cared for her and suddenly acts like he’ll loose his beloved sister or something
Mc should have let this bitch die
Rain Trevil
you’re useless Iveta
Teasing a sibling and wanting them to die are very different things….
These IDIOTS. Also, I’d expect more soldiers at a royal ball. Seems like only the prince and the Mister lookalike had swords…