See hell naw I’d lose my shit honestly I’m not mad that I’m here I’m not mad that this mansion is in ruins but not talking to me and feeding me nasty food I’d flip all that shit over
This whole estate is back asswards because it’s basically been left to neglect since the duke’s parents died. Sounds like butler either had his hands full just raising/managing the duke, or the duke ordered him not to bother—so it’s a-shambles.
lol seeing that scum dead was sooo stress relieving…
Maybe because he’s a dragon guy it’s yo his taste??? He’s a really shy guy can he talk or does he not know how conversations work
Cele Onee-chan
See hell naw I’d lose my shit honestly I’m not mad that I’m here I’m not mad that this mansion is in ruins but not talking to me and feeding me nasty food I’d flip all that shit over
I live for beautiful manga art_
Dude she wanted a conversation or at least a f**k. ???
Catherine Briar
Sooooo, here I’m wondering. Where did the duke actually LIVE all these years? In a tree? Cause I’m pretty sure it wasn’t at his house. LOL!!!
This whole estate is back asswards because it’s basically been left to neglect since the duke’s parents died. Sounds like butler either had his hands full just raising/managing the duke, or the duke ordered him not to bother—so it’s a-shambles.
Ha, ha, ha! Ding dong the scumbags are dead!
One job the new duchess should do teach the chef how to cook properlyʘ‿ʘ
I know she’s not but it seemed like she was expecting to get railed and was disappointed when he just left her there ?
Why does she have so much hair on her face? XDDD
Bruh, you were supposed to talk to her……WTF WAS THAT ML.