Ahm,.. please try to excite us a little,.I mean I love the art,.the story as well but I guess it lacks of excitement..Hedel is a little boring character..I understand the duke because he’s some kind of mysterious to me.. I’m waiting to know what kind of creature he is..but at least give us some progress about their relationship..
Zhongli simp
I love her family, it is refreshing seeing a fl who grew up loved and wasn’t mistreated or illegitimate for a change.
Kuroo-sanOi Oi Oi
yeah,I simp for the broskiee
The father and brother absolutely adore her and it’s so cute. I wish there were more characters to read?
????? her family has no shame with their ? love so cute
Lol, the father and brother are hilarious
I agree with catfish! pls make our fl a more dynamic character rather than a plain one (*´ω`*)
Ahm,.. please try to excite us a little,.I mean I love the art,.the story as well but I guess it lacks of excitement..Hedel is a little boring character..I understand the duke because he’s some kind of mysterious to me.. I’m waiting to know what kind of creature he is..but at least give us some progress about their relationship..