Wth??????how come the servents don’t even know the face of dukee????????So the Duke was living in hiding..but how did he hide if not he used invisible clock???
Ohhhh these feckers done lost their damn minds to be pulling that shit. They shoulda kissed the ground she walks on for not doing far worse. Like dayum.
Yah it’s your all ends now, such insolent and disrespectful servants you are!! They don’t just deserve to get kicked only they deserve to pay for what have they done, instead of asking for forgiveness they show such and disrespectful behavior’s…
These servants are clearly idiots. Who tf argues against the lady of the house? even if she isn’t officially married to their master, she was officially given authority over all household matters by the Duke as his wife. the AUDACITY to blame our FL and insult her and then try to use their loyalty to the Duke as an excuse when they can’t even recognize him is peak stupidity. I’d be shocked if the Duke doesn’t just throw them all in jail.
omo idiot jerks prepare to be roasted!qq
I guess nothing apear to really care to his grace… Until now… Well I’m here just yo see those beautiful eyes…
They dont even know their master face the house needs to restart
Catherine Briar
I did ask before if he had even lived in that house but I take it back…it’s clear he did not. They don’t even know what he looks like.
Kuroo-sanOi Oi Oi
yeah,I think his fish like scales were only removed after Hedel came to the east.He hid himself all along
the fact that they don’t who they serve lmaooo
Wth??????how come the servents don’t even know the face of dukee????????So the Duke was living in hiding..but how did he hide if not he used invisible clock???
Ohhhh these feckers done lost their damn minds to be pulling that shit. They shoulda kissed the ground she walks on for not doing far worse. Like dayum.
Alexandre Schihann
Hmm fired then was nice , but now forget ! DEATH IS THE ONLY OPTION LEFT
Yah it’s your all ends now, such insolent and disrespectful servants you are!! They don’t just deserve to get kicked only they deserve to pay for what have they done, instead of asking for forgiveness they show such and disrespectful behavior’s…
Lol . They don’t know who they serve
Huh, rest in peace, pig
Ja ne mina san
These servants are clearly idiots. Who tf argues against the lady of the house? even if she isn’t officially married to their master, she was officially given authority over all household matters by the Duke as his wife. the AUDACITY to blame our FL and insult her and then try to use their loyalty to the Duke as an excuse when they can’t even recognize him is peak stupidity. I’d be shocked if the Duke doesn’t just throw them all in jail.
Wow, now they can all go to jail ?
They don’t even know the duke’s face !!! And saying that he’s their only master!!! How could that even possible!!!