I’m also not quite sure but if I’m correct he is a trader who traveled in search of a good place to start a business taking valuable things from his home to see if he can find someone who will help him expand the business and get money.
Well I think he is one of those prince in disguise characters who likes to travel and will probably be an important ally. I also have a funny feeling that at some point he will get ahold of the cursed stone that eventually attracts all the monsters.
I think he’s the successor of a business conglomerate overseas that gets into a relationship with the princess
I’am so confused about Rashid’s origins…. can someone please explain?
I’m also not quite sure but if I’m correct he is a trader who traveled in search of a good place to start a business taking valuable things from his home to see if he can find someone who will help him expand the business and get money.
Well I think he is one of those prince in disguise characters who likes to travel and will probably be an important ally. I also have a funny feeling that at some point he will get ahold of the cursed stone that eventually attracts all the monsters.