This ending feels crazy rushed.
Like, you telling me this bigass magic stone was sitting in a pristine box, on top of a mantle in an otherwise ruined building? No looters are scavengers noticed it? Not damaged by weather, or time or anything? That’s pretty ridiculous right off.
The existence and scale of the monsters has been totally glossed over as well: Monsters exist; Monsters drop stone; Stone do magic shit; ????; Profit.
Still can’t make sense of why Storoni poisoned her at all; as shown, he literally had everything he wanted right here and chucked it away, but I’ll put that down to being a psycho.
I really liked it, but this was a very flat conclusion that didn’t really wrap it up well.
??? @Goaties, this is the end?
The end main plot, yes.
Side stories etc still to come.
This ending feels crazy rushed.
Like, you telling me this bigass magic stone was sitting in a pristine box, on top of a mantle in an otherwise ruined building? No looters are scavengers noticed it? Not damaged by weather, or time or anything? That’s pretty ridiculous right off.
The existence and scale of the monsters has been totally glossed over as well: Monsters exist; Monsters drop stone; Stone do magic shit; ????; Profit.
Still can’t make sense of why Storoni poisoned her at all; as shown, he literally had everything he wanted right here and chucked it away, but I’ll put that down to being a psycho.
I really liked it, but this was a very flat conclusion that didn’t really wrap it up well.