@AureBa I think the maid is supposed to be mouse blonde of some sort (like the not so pretty blonde), but it comes off silver in the drawing?
as for Nullitas, her hair is silver because Romagnolo signifyer is silver hair (the count had silver hair as a young dude) and I believe its meant to be ironic that the rightful wife who really wants to bear a Romagnolo heir only gave birth to babies that dont have the Romagnolo’s famous trait, while the lowly, dirty maid who was assaulted by the count till she got pregnant gave birth to a lowly child with that noble traits.
I just wonder… What kind of complex is hidden behind her dying her hair silver, cause it definitely wasn’t so before she became a pirate. Is it just the authors way to make all “cool” people silver haired?
And why is Nullitas genes so strong??? Three children, all silver haired, none like daddy.
Nooo 😭
@AureBa I think the maid is supposed to be mouse blonde of some sort (like the not so pretty blonde), but it comes off silver in the drawing?
as for Nullitas, her hair is silver because Romagnolo signifyer is silver hair (the count had silver hair as a young dude) and I believe its meant to be ironic that the rightful wife who really wants to bear a Romagnolo heir only gave birth to babies that dont have the Romagnolo’s famous trait, while the lowly, dirty maid who was assaulted by the count till she got pregnant gave birth to a lowly child with that noble traits.
I just wonder… What kind of complex is hidden behind her dying her hair silver, cause it definitely wasn’t so before she became a pirate. Is it just the authors way to make all “cool” people silver haired?
And why is Nullitas genes so strong??? Three children, all silver haired, none like daddy.
Haha 🤣 donno why the maid getting hot
Anecy Scarlet