Honestly I don’t want ppl to suffer like that but live by the sword die by the sword. She chose this path. Granted she thought her poonaynay was gold and can control every D in the world but still she was playing a dangerous game. I hope she lives and learns from her mistakes. Cherishes what she use to have instead of coveting what isn’t hers.
I know she did everything wrong but she did have remorse but I still feel bad for her am I insane even I know I m but am I disgusting
Thank you harimanga take care
Honestly I don’t want ppl to suffer like that but live by the sword die by the sword. She chose this path. Granted she thought her poonaynay was gold and can control every D in the world but still she was playing a dangerous game. I hope she lives and learns from her mistakes. Cherishes what she use to have instead of coveting what isn’t hers.
@Dark star , chill.
Dark star
I know she did everything wrong but she did have remorse but I still feel bad for her am I insane even I know I m but am I disgusting
Thank you harimanga take care
Well you reap what you sow🥱
Well i hope our ml save her…
What a nasty business🤢