No Place for the Fake Princess - Chapter 71
You don't have anything in histories
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Why are we pro psychopath dad with no emotions who’s here on a whim vs neglectful father struggling with his mental health after his wife’s sudden death, who has apologised multiple times and already completely changed how he’s treated her as a child through to now and consistently shows her that he cares about her wellbeing and that shes safe and comfortable?
Every time i look at the comment section on the site im like.. shocked how insufferable and backwards everyone is. wishing harm on characters, calling them names, 0 reading comprehension..
Like someone is complaining about how the main character was emotionally neglected as a child by the emperor and that makes him iredeemable. Then in a previous chapter calling Nasar who was also very clearly abused by his father a terrible person for not doing as his father ordered him to do and imedietely falling in love with his child bride he was forced to spend time with.
That’s your guilt talking plus she has her real dad by her side she don’t need someone like you who only changed his mind when she changed her behaviour
At least he knows how trash he is.
If Phil decides to forgive and forget, let it be in order for her to be able to move on from the trauma the shitty emperor gave her.
Sometimes that’s the better option for you to be finally ok, mentally, but a few words of regret that came waaaaaaaaaay too late can’t erase the past that easily, there’s no way that their relationship can ever be super close, like a real father-daughert relationship.
People just see a chapter like this and directly forgive the father. I don’t really see it that way tbh. His one normal action doesn’t dismiss his past behaviour. Phil as a child had to beg for his affection got always neglected, and is now afraid of everything. His actions are the reason for Phil not being able to still get close to people. Phil was a victim of the trash emperor’s neglect. Forcing a victim to forgive their abuser isn’t a cool thing. If Phil wants she should never forgive him. Infact I think her biological brothers and father are better people, she needs to move away from the trash emperor,he is pulling her backwards with his bs and regret
Am I the only one who is feeling sorry for the king?sure he has not the best in the past,but he changed and trying.
Also the kitty father and brothers, they put in much efforts as they can but she doesn’t seems to feel it.
Probably, he is the reason why phil isnt very intuitive about real affection, because he was such a dick and traumatized a child, him and that book are the reason why she is convinced that she will be abandoned and executed in the future so she avoids making real connections with her genuine friends and family.
Finaly someone who doesnt look at this with narrow mind. Post death deprssion is a very serious thing and if there werent anyone to point out to him or help him its understandable. Ofcourse the child suffer most from it as well but seeing him try to redem makes me want to understand him and his position.
Horikita haruko
That’s right, she won’t want to see u
I will never forgive him
that’s right