No Place for the Fake Princess - Chapter 58
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its og fl yall😔😔 not of fl😭😭
i just read the novel soar yah
ml catched elicia because she’ll hit philomel if ml didn’t catched her after that philomel was omagahh he’ll frr fall in love with her so she just walked away but then ml followed mc quickly asking if she was hurt so yah mc was like analyzing ml face to see hints of falling in love with of fl but then nahh ha didn’t he still loved her hehe and like more spoilers is yall remember the time that the red haires biatch stoled the ring that the emperor gave her yahh philimel slapped that biatch and gave her a deadline to give it too her in 5 daysss (this was during the debutante of elicia the 5th day is the last day) so like 5 days after she went to the ball to look for the red haired biatch to get the ring mc saw her but then got distracted cause emperor talked to her asking how life gang and shi right the red gworl wored the ring so I think emperor felt something so he asked mc y she ain’t wearing the ring he gave to her and she was like oh umm it with my friend an all but then emeperor knew where it was so he went to the red gworl and like held his hand out to ask for the ring but thennn instead of the red haired gworl giving the ring she put her hands on top of his hand since it was like an invitation to dance (during this time other people were dancing so it kinda makes sense) so yah people saw dis and they make rumuors on how the red gworl might become the new emperess and shi so yah hehe. oh yah and obviously he shook her hand he didn’t dance with her an shi and he also didn’t get the ring back so he told philomel to don’t mind about that ring and he’ll just make a new one for her 💕💕 (idk if yall will understand dis shi😔😔)
악녀~🖤 A_Villainess tired of romance
@Slayer candidate You’re scary~
I hope Nasar just grabs Phil lmao
Dark Crow
@Slayer candidate I also hope that, haha
Slayer candidate
What a bitch, hope she falls and her head cracks☺️☺️
What a bitch… 😤
The cats safe that’s what matters
I think philomel is saying the ogfl land on her and it’ll end with philomel getting hurt/landed on
I really hope ML just pulls her aside and lets the annoyance fall to the ground o__o
let the”original” fake bitch fall head first with cracked skull and internal bleeding, then eventually dies. end of story👌