No Place for the Fake Princess - Chapter 35
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Bruh, the Emperor’s treatment towards Cathering was fair af, what was he supposed to do? Let a woman who loves him and that betrayed his wife near him?
We’d be hating on him for doing so, we’d call him unfaithful, neflectful, etc etc
I feel bad for MC tho, she had to suffer because of a bunch of stupid decisions (and I don’t blame the mom for her feelings but she was delusional so wtf)
If there’s anyone who thinks the loyal married man should take a side chick, sorry to say this but I’m quite concerned for you. 🤢🤮
Funny how bc they’re all side charas, everyone is harsh on him for banishing her but he were the ML, ppl would praise him for getting rid of a homewrecker. What’s he supposed to do? Allow a women trying to climb in his bed by his beloved wife’s side? Nah that’s true scum behavior!
Wow, some people be writing essays on here. 😳
I was like “i saw this part on tiktok”
I feel sorry for this family they make her this pathetic and look down on her self (belittling herself)
The emperor might have known mc was Catherine’s daughter. I mean mc looks similar to her mother. That’s why he didn’t care and treated her badly.
Another problem that could be solved with a healthy polyamory triad.
She loved the emperor and empress and wanted to be near them because the empress was literally the only person on her side. She was neglected by her family and found comfort in their warmth, but it just wasn’t enough. She was obviously the third wheel as the emperor took the empress’ attention and himself didn’t look at her twice.
Not blaming them, if they’re not into her they’re not into her, but the empress obviously cared deeply for her as well. If they had discussed things together and then gone to the emperor… who knows? Perhaps the princes and Phil could’ve been “sisters” after all.
This is interesting. Feel bad for Catherine and honestly her approaching the Emperor was what she thought was right bc I’m pretty sure in that era men could have mistresses so there’s no problem imo. The Emperor was real nasty about it. Leave the palace?? Wtf?? Hate him.
But I am confused about how he never realized Phil was Catherine’s…. they look so alike lmao. Also wonder how Catherine switched the babies a day after she gave birth, according to the previous chapters. Ig we’ll see??
@K A T A N A Well, no he didn’t actually KNOW it. But the idea of it been a ‘subconscious’ reaction is plausible.
Yet, it is already mentioned that the REAL reason for his abandonment of his own daughter was because he was blaming the child for his beloved queen’s death.
So yeah, thats not really the case.
The emperor never lived a normal life right from childhood. He was ostracized and tortured cause of his commoner mother, never experiencing love.
He loved Isabella too much as he was depraved of love all his life. Isabella was his first and only source of love and joy so he was devastated by her death beyond repair.
That is, until Philomel decided to change and play the role of a good daughter. The emperor found joy again through Philomel. However, since she was preoccupied with the incidents mentioned in the book and were feeling insecure 24/7 she never noticed that she has actually touched the emperors heart for real.
Thats why when she left, the emperor fell into despair yet again. As his aide pointed out, the state he was in before finding Philomel again was exactly how he was when his queen passed away.
As she is already admitting it herself, it was really foolish of Catherine to harbor such thought about the emperor. Yet I feel bad for her.
At least she wasn’t that shameless of a girl to go right up to him, seduce him or drug him to force herself onto him like many other maids in all novels and manhwas.
She wasn’t evil, thats the point.
It was the doing of a maiden’s heart. Not a normal maiden though. One who wasn’t loved all her life. It was the thirst for the love she had never received which resulted in her delusions.
Catherine sure is similar to the emperor. They were both neglected and starved of love.
I hope she ends up having a good life from here on out.
a small part of me feels bad for Catherine, she’s starved for affection from not receiving any since she was born. The other bigger part of me still thinks its f*cked up that despite seeing her best friend and the king obviously happily in love with each other, she had the brilliant idea of going behind her best friend’s back to the king asking, heyyyy wanna be lovers 😚 Like how? what? why on earth would you do that?
no wonder the king was furious, and his reaction, albeit harsh, may not have been harsh enough since Catherine somehow stole his baby whilst abandoning hers. His reaction may been too harsh but I kinda prefer this kind that cut things off cleanly than being gentle cuz it may give her delusional hope I mean she was already having those at things the king “gave” her. Or maybe I’m just too cold blooded haha
I think the emperor knows eversince that philomel is not his daughter, bcs she looks exactly like Catherine so he knows that his daughter have been swapped since,thats why he never treats philomel good eversince she was born.. It’s so sad bcs why is the child who have know nothing have to bear his anger and coldness, I feel bad for philomel still bcs she doesn’t have a good childhood memories, on the other hand I don’t feel bad on his real child bcs Catherine treats her well eversince she was born..
Hard to judge. Yes trying to “steal” your friend’s man is pretty bad but him just “Get out of here or your dead” like bleh.
oh that’s the start