No Place for the Fake Princess - Chapter 30
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@Alexandre Schihann
IIRC, from the other spoiler comments, the “novel” is based off an otome game (really more of a fanfiction than an actual story). The game treated Phil decently, despite her being the “villian” of the story. The fanfiction novel was basically the author’s hateboner-rant against Phil.
I think in the novel philomel and eustice has a decent conversation where phil told him why she’s doesn’t want to be his daughter officially.
It’s his long time words that told her to live like a rat. It hit him hard to realize his ‘casual’ words at that time will be remembered until today and make a wound on her heart.
That’s why he leave the decision to be his adopted daughter to phil entirely.
bro shit just got super retarded with this plot bruh
No mc just leave that place but not before slapping the bitch you snatched the heir ring 💍
Someone needs to punch a possessed blondie rn
Alexandre Schihann
@K A T A N A , makes no sense at all , why the fuck did the author wants philomel to die ? If she really is the author , why would she/he want her dead , she is the way the author create her to be , why would someone create something that you don’t like it ?such a dumb thought
The blonde girl is possessed by the author of the book, she really wants philomel die like in the book,the author is a bitch who wants to follow the original story plot that’s why she takes over the body of that blonde girl but the original blonde girl is really kind..
Alright, guys!
Listen up.
Those of you who think the emperor doesn’t really love her are making a big mistake here!
Yes, do reconsider please!
Maybe it’s due to you being a tad too young to have experienced such incidents in your lives as of yet.
You’re are precious darlings, don’t get me wrong here arlight? *HUGS*
The emperor REALLY CAME TO LOVE HER, dearies!
Yes he did!
It’s called ‘human nature’ guys!
Don’t underestimate it!
It can change like the flow of water, and the most catalyst at work here has always being ‘love’ in general.
It can melt the iciest of hearts be it of a tyrant or a saint.
The first trigger was when she collapsed with a fever
His aid pushed him to visit her and coincidentally he came right at a time when Philomel was sleep-talking.
Her talking and begging in her sleep reminded him of his own sad childhood.
He whispered to himself that ‘I was in the exact same position as her when I was young! How did I forget!?
From then on, he began to look at her differently.
He started to feel her, as he used to need an adult to do the same for him when he was young and fragile.
Don’t underestimate the human heart, specially when a child’s innocence is the main influence.
The emperor changed, not only by Philomel’s efforts alone, though her efforts played the biggest role.
The emperor WANTED to change as well.
He was drained o love for so long and had closed his heart as a result.
He had longed for love and affection since childhood, and he didn’t find it until marrying the late empress.
He came to understand her through the same longing.
They both were love-starved.
The child needs love, just as how he needed love from that tender age, and even now.
Yes the emperor changed while the first trigger was a coincidence out of anyone’s control.
And the rest happened as she started to put in efforts.
I sure wish she snaps out of her delusional misunderstandings and accept his fatherly love.
They both need it.
So does her ‘biological’ father!! 😁
And even her brothers!!
I think the fact of the matter is, the reality in this story is the total opposite of it’s title!
She is everyone’s light and joy!
Can’t wait for the future developments of each and every character.
I particularly like the Magic Tower buddies. 😁
You can hardly say he has softened up, he didn’t kill Phiomel’s mom like in the book but you know just gonna lock her up in a dungeon for the rest of her life which isn’t much better.
Not really sympathetic with her. 1) She read about “her supposed future” in some mystery book, not herself experiencing that “future” where she is abandoned, abused and killed. 2) It has been already years since she and the emperor have their relationship improved so much (yes, largely thank to her own effort) but now she keeps thinking, assuming so negatively and throwing all of their time away.
the blonde girl is suppose to be a very nice girl is just the same like how the book philomel read at beginning… but somehow currently the blonde girl is possessed by the author of the book.. the author was not satisfied with the end of the book she make and reincarnated as the blonde girl… and she want try to make a lil different but want a same ending… fast forward after everything the real blonde girl soul back to it body, and become a normal nice girl protagonist… thank godness the author is not damage the reputation on the blonde girl so she not get hate by other people… so after this the story will forward to how philomel try to recover the blonde girl back soul to it body and some of childish torture from the author..
I am in your closet UwU
Some of you guys need to realize he didn’t love her, he loved her accomplishments. He thought she was disgrace for living like a normal child; if she didn’t do anything great he would’ve killed her the moment he found her.
He doesn’t actually love her.
@sakisara Did you forget how he treated her when she was little. He didn’t know she was a fake and only cared for her after she proved herself useful.
Listen phiomel, you wanna get the utmost strenght out of the tip of ur hands an slap tha tbitfh real hard, the fucking audacity
Girl run! This toxic witch has poison rolling off everything she does, and your “dad” is a miserable @sshole who has never loved you for you.
Poor him?! Why?! I have absolutely no sympathy for him, back when she was a child he said those things KNOWING she was listening to him!!!. We had a time skip but for me it is obvious that although he treated her somewhat better they never developed closeness nor a father daughter relationship, would she have been so reluctant and scared if they had? He deserves it.
Poor him
Why would you say that?
All those years were nothing to you?
You lived with him all your life
Just because of that book or that words he said when you were young?
I don’t like this…
I’m glad she said “No” to the emperor.
She had to change her entire personality and demeanour from a young age all for the sake of her survival. The emperor only ever looked at Philomel when she proved herself useful, never out of parental love. He practically wished for Philomel to live her life in the palace like a silent rat, all because he wanted to take no responsibility for raising a child who simply wanted his love and attention.
Philomel’s feelings against the emperor are 100% valid and they deserved to be voiced out more. So far, her biological father has proven to be a better choice. While initially, the wizard-dad did also judge Philomel based on her usefulness, his parental instincts kicked in much faster compared to the emperor.
Philomel worked day and night to prove her worth to the emperor and till this day continued to only refer to him by his title, never “father”. Her biological dad on the other hand saw Philomel’s low potential in magic and despite getting off on the wrong start, he quickly regretted his decision and wanted to take responsibility for her. Even Philomel’s half-brothers want her to be included in the family!!!