No Place for the Fake Princess - Chapter 21
You don't have anything in histories
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Elin is suspicious clearly there faces were swapped
Omg i have the same theories in the comments below me!! Yas maybe they swapped the soul or the image hmm
That elin girl is sus.. 😑
I think the real princess is weirdly too clueless and forward. Maybe she’s not so innocent? Maybe the appearances got changed?
I’m really making a theory on my own that aside from swapping them at birth, the magician (which is the father of Philomel) swapped their souls. And that Philomel soul is still the real daughter of the Emperor. It’s hurt a bit if she’s not the real daughter.
!Recogí estos spoilers de un foro en línea hace bastante tiempo y, debo decir, ¡es bastante impactante!
En primer lugar, la ‘princesa real’ no es más que una perra, transmigró a ese mundo a través de una diosa muy malvada. Y, ella odia al protagonista, tanto que en su vida en Corea hizo una especie de fanfic (historias hechas por fans, si no me equivoco este mundo es un juego) donde nuestro protagonista es asesinado, y la empresa del juego Me gustó tanto de lo que aprobó esa historia como canónica. Ella odia al personaje principal, y maldita sea, incluso me irrito cuando recuerdo las cosas que hizo.
Ahora voy a contar la historia real.
En la historia real, nuestra protagonista no muere, al contrario, se va a vivir con su padre biológico, dejando solos el palacio y la princesa real.
Y vi algunos comentarios que decían sobre el padre biológico, sí, no es uno de los más depresivos, pero le tiene cierto cariño. Tanto es así que cuando ella comenta que le gustan los gatos, él se convierte en uno, y la ayuda en ciertos puntos.
Ahora, el emperador… ¿Recuerdas cuando el protagonista fue a su oficina hace unos capítulos, cuando era niño? ¿Y dijo cosas malas de ella? Así que él sabía que ella estaba allí, pero habló.
Pero a medida que pasa el tiempo, él siente un inmenso cariño por ella. Tanto es así que, aunque no es su hija biológica, la convierte en la emperatriz en el futuro. (Para ser honesto, no me gusta mucho por lo malo que fue con su hija al comienzo del trabajo, pero todos cambian, ¿no?)
Y otro spoiler que me parece imprescindible decir es sobre el Dios que creó el mundo.
Él fue el escritor real que creó el juego, y cuando escuchó que un fanfic se había convertido oficialmente en parte del juego, se le rompió el corazón.
Ese escritor ya no está, así que no te preocupes
Y finalmente, sobre el amado ML, Nassar. Al rubio, de niño, su padre le lavó el cerebro, de ahí esa expresión fría y distante con la princesa. La razón por la que el padre hace eso con su hijo (si no me equivoco) es que sea un novio ideal para el protagonista.
Solo dije algunos spoilers, si alguien lee la novela y ve que dije algo mal, me puede corregir.
(Nota: hay más cosas que decir, dije las más importantes)
Listo ya esta traducido aún que me costó por estar en celular :’)
I’m Brazilian, please, translate What I say.
Meu inglês é péssimo, por isso me desculpem por usarem o tradutor.
!!Esses spoilers peguei de um fórum online tem um bom tempo, e, devo dizer que é bastante chocante alguns!!
Primeiramente, a ‘princesa verdadeira’ não passa de uma vadia, ela transmigrou para aquele mundo por meio de uma deusa bastante perversa. E, ela odeia a protagonista, tanto que na sua vida na Coreia fez uma espécie de fanfic (histórias feitas por fãs, se não me engano esse mundo é de um jogo) onde a nossa protagonista é morta, e a empresa do jogo gostou tanto daquilo que aprovou aquela história como canônica. Ela odeia a protagonista, e, caramba, fico até irritada quando lembro das coisas que ela fez.
Agora irei dizer a história real.
Na história real, a nossa protagonista não morre, ao contrário, vai viver com seu pai biológico deixando o palácio e a princesa verdadeira em paz.
E vi uns comentários dizendo sobre o pai biológico, sim ele não é um dos mais depressivos, mas tem certo carinho com ela. Tanto que quando ela comenta que gosta de gatos, ele se transforma em um, e a ajuda em certos pontos.
Agora, o imperador… Se lembram de quando a protagonista foi ao escritório dele a alguns capítulos atrás, quando criança? E ele comentou coisas ruins sobre ela? Então, ele sabia que ela estava lá, mesmo assim falou.
Mas com o decorrer do tempo, ele sente um imenso carinho por ela. Tanto que mesmo ela não sendo sua filha biológica, faz dela a imperatriz futuramente. (Sendo sincera não gosto muito dele por conta do quão perverso ele era com a sua filha no início da obra, mas todo mundo muda não é?)
E outro spoiler que acho essencial a dizer, é sobre o Deus que criou o mundo.
Ele era o verdadeiro escritor que criou o jogo, e quando soube que uma fanfic se tornou oficialmente parte do jogo, ficou desolado.
Esse escritor, não é mais, por isso não se preocupem.
E para finalizar, sobre o tão querido ML, Nassar. O loiro, quando criança meio que sofria uma espécie de lavagem cerebral do pai, por isso aquela expressão fria e distante com a princesa. O motivo do pai fazer aquilo com o filho (se não me engano) é para ele ser um noivo ideial para a protagonista.
Apenas disse alguns spoilers, se alguém leu a novel e ver que falei algo errado, pode me corrigir.
(Obs: existem mais coisas a serem ditas, disse as mais importantes.)
Spring and Summer
Well that’s kinda disappointing lol
It would have been more interesting if they became sisters or at least friends. But thanks for the spoilers I guess
Bruh I know that the blond girl is like the daughter of the emperor but how casual can she get , even I can casually call someone dad (like you never know him but his ur bio dad) you literally gonna take time if you’re normal ofc the blonde bitch isn’t
Sorry if I actually spoil y’all, but…..
Based from what I’ve read..
The “real daughter” is a transmigrator, and she came from Korea and she knew the original story.
She is now/going to plan to kill FL to keep the original flowing.
The blonde supposed ML and FL is going to meet again and from what I’ve heard… Have a relationship…?
But not THAT romantically, they realized something from each other and I totally didn’t forget what it is.
Overall, I’d like to see the outcome of this..
In a few years time🙂
I read the novel and philomel’s biological father is a crazy heartless magician and don’t even care about the FL
for those confused you gotta remember in the “original story” she didn’t get executed after being found out immediately either so even the emperor disliking her the most he didn’t try and kill her until she tried to kill the “real daughter” so in this timeline since she has stopped him from drinking, stopped his sister from eyeing the throne and spent more time with him he definitely has softened up and doesn’t want his daughter to leave.
The bio mom of mc is trash like btch is still so entitled at her trashy personality
She’s so Insecured like I want her dead. It is so unfair that in the end, she gets to live a luxurious life ugh🙄
This is nice changes cause finally it’s not reincarnated nor going back in time. So even if the FL was being slapped by the future predicament, she’s still a child through and through when it happened.
I have mixed feelings for some of the characters even though they’re trying to find her (maybe with good intentions?).
The FL was just a regular child acting as they’re suppose to and causing tantrums like any other child. And then she became mature for her age and then thats when people started to favor her when in reality they took her childhood away for survival.
Hope FL doesn’t come back to them. I did hear her biological father is somewhat decent.
This is just one of those stories that hurt your heart. I’m glad he didn’t cruelly kill her in front of so many people (especially that nanny who would take advantage of the situation). If he did kill her like that then people could spread rumors that he wants revenge on the “fake princess” and wants to kill her.
All in all I’m just sad for our FL, no matter what she’ll never have anyone in her life “make up” for the pain they caused her. Even though her adoptive father is looking for her and cares now he’s still someone who caused her trauma to where she closed off her heart. And it’s not really anyone’s fault for the situation other than her biological mom who is scum. Her adoptive father couldn’t help but not feel a connection with her from a father-daughter relationship. He grew to be okay with her but he never and I think still doesn’t legitimately fully love her. Not to say he hates her, because no he doesn’t hate her. But he has never loved her 100% like he would a biological daughter. Sad thing is that she lost the chance to experience having father and mother who truly and fully love her when it mattered the most, when she was a little girl and now she’ll never get that back. Her heart is forever wounded 😭
Ameera Hill
What will happen with the mom?
Ok something wrong with the system when a nany that was gone for some petty crimes came back shameless to face the emperor like that.
mixed feelings im happy and sd at the same time.
heuuu, why is the nanny b**ch here again ? she was punished for embezzlement wasn’t she ?