No Place for the Fake Princess - Chapter 20
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The OG fl seems so sus tho
Idk but i really cried in this chapter😭 all of them loves her sm already
Well I like the progression of the story so far.. let’s hear the real mc dad’s story . I hope he’s a keeper dad
i agree with Emkr28; mc please hurry and find your bio dad real quick
I really hope the MC meets her bio father soon.
Misspelled names:
Your_Anxiety attack
I can’t believe some people still hates nasar like what did he do???
Im so sorry but I find so many of these comments so dumb
Like first of all
She’s not surrounded y anyone toxic
They all love her now
2nd of all
The mc didn’t reincarnate so her father hasn’t done much wrong
Along with him being neglectful she also had a bad personality
And if u wanna argue “well she was just a kid”
So was nasal(I think that’s his name)
But yall still hating him
She went through with her plan?? Rare.
just AL
When I cried for a manwha, it means it’s a masterpiece 😭😭😭😭
I want fl to fond othet ml! Nasar is like a talking statue. Expressionless, so dead eyes.. up until now, i dont understa d his feelings for fl. Hes sucha boring guy
I’m actually happy that she’s left all the toxic people in her life, I’m so upset she even went through so many struggles but we can’t control life. Even if his majesty had ended up being nice to her, she still was deeply scarred when she overheard him say “Live quietly like a dead rat” towards her. Their relationship was never a healthy one. He can’t genuinely feel love for her even when she was his “real daughter” before the truth came out. Maybe he didn’t physically abuse her but he did abandon her with his heart and no child ever deserves that. And let’s not even speak of the mother. She is absolute DUMPSTER FIRE GARBAGE. As for her real biological dad, idk. I can’t remember if he knew of her existence or not but if he did then I think he also shares some blame just like her mother. He’s the best out of the 3 parent figures in her life but even then I still think he’s a buy of a jerk if he knew the truth and that his daughter was out there.
I love her but dang I can’t believe the Emperor reacted like that 😭 I also feel bad for Nassar I forgot about him 😭😭😭 poor boy
i actually like how she goes through with her plan, now go find your real dad and left all those bittersweet memories behind, i still think they deserved it
I donot know what to say but im crying right now 😭
Nah, i dislike bittersweet ending too… But somehow, this bittersweet is acceptable. 😭 Like she finally has freedom without worry about her future for being killed just because she was a fake.
The people on the empire reap what they sow though, specially the emperor, he literally said that he wants her to live as quietly as possible as if she doesn’t exist. I mean hey? He got what he wished? And Nasar is, i don’t have any sympathy for him too, because at first he is faking his way of talking to her and she clearly knows that he doesn’t want to be with her, therefore his feelings aren’t genuine. But yet it only becomes genuine after she changes. Because of that it’s the right path of her to treat him the same, being kind without giving hearts.
Tbh i am rooting for FL to live on her own.
Please update more!!
if that spoiler is going to happen, then it’s really a bittersweet ending, I thought nazar will end up with philomel, and the emperor is still her real father, I thought that’s the twist,too bad all I’m thinking will not happen.. I drop this, I hate this kind of ending tbh. I hope the author thinks more beautiful ending that leaving us a bittersweet disappointed.