No Place for the Fake Princess - Chapter 1
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Fire the nanny immediately
Same story as I’m the real one 🙂
Dap ! ^^
I feel bad for the current fl, i think the og fl is a two faced b*tch and her ‘father’??? damn i will kill that man in pieces !!!
Love the FL
Listening to sad music and reading this is the best and I feel bad for the Fl F*ck her father and the bitch by his side just Get out and live on 😇
awwwwww, i feel soooo badd for her
shitty father damn you into helllllll
Goodness, I need to edit my comment- oopsie daisies~!
True..our female lead doesn’t look like them but ugh, them treating her like this; especially the emperor! HAVE NO F*CKING SHAME??! Miss Phindomel (if..that’s how you spell your name)..I’d suggest you leave ’em alone cuz that true little princess looks like a two-faced b+tch. I’d say save up money and leave your ‘family’! Because I personally believe they’re not your bloodline family. I feel like your reeeaaal family would’ve treated you way more nicely!
Ok I can digest this kind of Isekai? Hope later on she doesn’t get her “memories”of another life
The empire foundation isn’t same to shit foundation ??!😓 😈🥲
Your_Anxiety attack
They always blame the child for the death of their lover, like bro you were the reason why your lover was pregnant and died of childbirth
Kabur ajala, meskipun dia beneran bapak FL, tpi sifatnya kek tai
@baby im not even here… hallucination There ain’t no way that talking garbage is getting a redemption arc- Either he was drugged, under a spell, or mentally unhinged and he gets cured or the author was drugged, under a spell, or mentally unhinged to give someone as bad as that shittake Emperor a second chance.
baby im not even hallucination
everyone sounds like shit except the MC. It sucks that the “Dad” is gonna get a redemption arc, but whatever hopefully her biological dad is better.
L Father, I really hope he suffers and she never forgives him
the heck with such a nonsensical story??? so the princess in that book was really treated like that? why can’t there be just one manhwa that in it people act rationally? Like if she’s proven not to be your daughter then just take her title away, what the heck is with executing her like that
stupid shitheads
Dont bother me
Sis pls leave. I know you’re just a child, but you gotta find a way to leave….. Unless father was under some bs spell idk how will you redeem him. Even if they were swapped how tf is that a childs fault
that mf bro i hope he fucking die
How are they even going to redeem the father (if they are)? I see no way out. I already hate him.
I read this already or no idk
Everything is same… Doesn’t sound original u got me? But it’s just me, anyway… Yeah
Idc if she’s that trash’s real daughter or no cuz.. he deserves to die 🥰