Lol, Humans trying to place human logic on non-human entities. Again.
He’s a Dragon. A DRAGON. Just like how Youkai are Youkai, and Faeries are Faeries, they do NOT have the same principals and concepts of time and aging that mortal humans do. I don’t see folks flippin’ out when gods get with mortals. Same thing.
serious questions for the readers who have been commenting about the moral wrongs of this – are you unable to distinguish fiction from reality? why do you like to project yourself onto fantasy worlds? lmao that’s weirder than anything, please just move onto something vanilla and better suited to your tastes instead of leaving all sorts of these comments in diff stories and chapters. i don’t get you minors who need to show off your self-righteousness in literal fiction
Have my ?.
There’s so many people like that here. I kinda just ignore them most of the time. People are reading too much into these stories it’s hilarious. Just don’t read this to you kids and you’ll be fine.
My gosh- THANK YOU! It’s been pissing me off when some people are cringing because of Xeno’s relationship with Mika. They keep squawking the same thing about how Xeno is practically her adoptive father and dumb shit like that. Like, so what if he was with Mika her entire life? That doesn’t change the fact that they are genuinely in love with each other. Would it be better if she married those princes she barely met for the first time or some other dude with bad intentions? In my eyes, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with their relationship so for y’all saying otherwise just because of your conservative way of thinking, then please make your way to the exit because it’s an utter insult for uncultured inconsiderate swines to be reading such a masterpiece.
Ohh it’s natural to have a snusnu after the wedding and continue it every time you want… it’s not disgusting it’s called love processing….So what if he’s a 3000 year old,drake..he looks younger than a 30 year old tho…and he’s a drake,
Ngl it’s kinda weird that her mother saw the future and was okay with. I get being understanding and whatnot, but it’s be pretty hard for me to see my best friend who’s thousands of years older than me with my child and not have some problems especially if she saw the more graphic parts of the future?. I’d be giving him the side eye until I die???
That’s…kinda disgusting. Lol how can you as a mother even think of your daughter doing IT with an old due that’s a thousand times her age? Like…ew ig? You saw her get taken care of by him, and act lile a father for your own daughter and what you thought was them doing IT…
Reader is L
Wow the speedy pace of this is amazing. 😶
Lol, Humans trying to place human logic on non-human entities. Again.
He’s a Dragon. A DRAGON. Just like how Youkai are Youkai, and Faeries are Faeries, they do NOT have the same principals and concepts of time and aging that mortal humans do. I don’t see folks flippin’ out when gods get with mortals. Same thing.
serious questions for the readers who have been commenting about the moral wrongs of this – are you unable to distinguish fiction from reality? why do you like to project yourself onto fantasy worlds? lmao that’s weirder than anything, please just move onto something vanilla and better suited to your tastes instead of leaving all sorts of these comments in diff stories and chapters. i don’t get you minors who need to show off your self-righteousness in literal fiction
Have my ?.
There’s so many people like that here. I kinda just ignore them most of the time. People are reading too much into these stories it’s hilarious. Just don’t read this to you kids and you’ll be fine.
My gosh- THANK YOU! It’s been pissing me off when some people are cringing because of Xeno’s relationship with Mika. They keep squawking the same thing about how Xeno is practically her adoptive father and dumb shit like that. Like, so what if he was with Mika her entire life? That doesn’t change the fact that they are genuinely in love with each other. Would it be better if she married those princes she barely met for the first time or some other dude with bad intentions? In my eyes, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with their relationship so for y’all saying otherwise just because of your conservative way of thinking, then please make your way to the exit because it’s an utter insult for uncultured inconsiderate swines to be reading such a masterpiece.
Ohh it’s natural to have a snusnu after the wedding and continue it every time you want… it’s not disgusting it’s called love processing….So what if he’s a 3000 year old,drake..he looks younger than a 30 year old tho…and he’s a drake,
Kinda strange fr
Ngl it’s kinda weird that her mother saw the future and was okay with. I get being understanding and whatnot, but it’s be pretty hard for me to see my best friend who’s thousands of years older than me with my child and not have some problems especially if she saw the more graphic parts of the future?. I’d be giving him the side eye until I die???
Sooooo adorbs! Thanks for the update!
That’s…kinda disgusting. Lol how can you as a mother even think of your daughter doing IT with an old due that’s a thousand times her age? Like…ew ig? You saw her get taken care of by him, and act lile a father for your own daughter and what you thought was them doing IT…