lol, how sad……. women in those time were bought up as concubine at very young age, brainwashed to solely focusing on gaining favor from a man, since he hold the power + authority on his one word they can loose their lives……… such women then divide into grp & bash each other, conspire against each other, loose the time of their lives, idk how old ML is maybe he is around 23/22 same age as FL so these 2 when they came were older than him? sisters having same man is disgusting, ML himself had pea sized brain………. bastard if women ain’t allowed to participate & hole power how many options they have if not to impress someone with power? all he was good at was getting annoyed by them, bringing women after women, women are braindead in this one………. well I do like FL I hope something good happens to all concubine though you can’t bring back the time they lost idk……….. even they acting like that it’s still shitty to be there for 8 freaking years………… and FL was minor yikes & so was ML idk what was emperor thinking……….
lol, how sad……. women in those time were bought up as concubine at very young age, brainwashed to solely focusing on gaining favor from a man, since he hold the power + authority on his one word they can loose their lives……… such women then divide into grp & bash each other, conspire against each other, loose the time of their lives, idk how old ML is maybe he is around 23/22 same age as FL so these 2 when they came were older than him? sisters having same man is disgusting, ML himself had pea sized brain………. bastard if women ain’t allowed to participate & hole power how many options they have if not to impress someone with power? all he was good at was getting annoyed by them, bringing women after women, women are braindead in this one………. well I do like FL I hope something good happens to all concubine though you can’t bring back the time they lost idk……….. even they acting like that it’s still shitty to be there for 8 freaking years………… and FL was minor yikes & so was ML idk what was emperor thinking……….