What’s up with Mls beating around the Bush???
Like where did your brain disappear to when u said that U ALREADY have some U like TO THE WOMAN u LOVE?????
like NO WONDER fl thought sooo.
I’ve seen this troupe sooo MUCH. its ALWAYS some misunderstanding CREATED by MLs
And sometimes Fls.
I don’t blame fl, I also cant fathom the idea of Dating my childhood male friend.
Its just doesn’t feel right…
But it seems like Fl has a DORMANT love For ml… 🧐
FL is concerned about atmosphere more than her position…. tbh I get it it’s hard to kick her out and stuff but she should communicate since MLs opinion matters too, instead of asking abt concubine like that she should’ve asked if he’d like to do those duties with her first then wait for his response, after his response she could’ve but oh well sucks…
potato is the very epitome of a pick me girl. you can’t stand to see a female not like the male lead right? God forbid a woman has her own opinions and views, God forbid she doesn’t like someone, right?
please grow up. how is she making a foolish choice by not liking someone?
imo half sis might be friends with that lady and thinks she is better than FL therefore she gave such suggestion, but as always naive dumb FLs won’t ever communicate rather listen to random ppl who don’t even like her or care about her…..
@I Cant_Sleep I mean it was clear from the start… everyone was after FL because of oracle, so expecting ppl to actually love her is a bit…..
Bruh I can’t with this anymore I wish fl gets kicked out of the royal place and becomes the wife a of commoner that doesn’t love her and regrets her whole life about thinking of her past husband as a sibling it would be fun just thinking about her and if ml also falls out of love for her and falls in love with this lady Kiara Sair and divorces fl and makes Lady Kiara. Ahh I just had the greatest idea ever if I wrote a web novel make it just like I felt I would feel so satisfied seeing the fl regret her foolish choices.
Fuck this in-law’s!!! It’s clear they never saw her as family but as a tool to bring back the fertility of their lands, but they also know they can’t bear to chase her out or kill her if they don’t want to go back to the trenches. Plus, they probably see how gullible she is that she won’t take offence if they brought up such a matter. And they probably want someone from their side to also be there for some reason
Meh :P
What’s up with Mls beating around the Bush???
Like where did your brain disappear to when u said that U ALREADY have some U like TO THE WOMAN u LOVE?????
like NO WONDER fl thought sooo.
I’ve seen this troupe sooo MUCH. its ALWAYS some misunderstanding CREATED by MLs
And sometimes Fls.
I don’t blame fl, I also cant fathom the idea of Dating my childhood male friend.
Its just doesn’t feel right…
But it seems like Fl has a DORMANT love For ml… 🧐
FL is concerned about atmosphere more than her position…. tbh I get it it’s hard to kick her out and stuff but she should communicate since MLs opinion matters too, instead of asking abt concubine like that she should’ve asked if he’d like to do those duties with her first then wait for his response, after his response she could’ve but oh well sucks…
potato is the very epitome of a pick me girl. you can’t stand to see a female not like the male lead right? God forbid a woman has her own opinions and views, God forbid she doesn’t like someone, right?
please grow up. how is she making a foolish choice by not liking someone?
imo half sis might be friends with that lady and thinks she is better than FL therefore she gave such suggestion, but as always naive dumb FLs won’t ever communicate rather listen to random ppl who don’t even like her or care about her…..
@I Cant_Sleep I mean it was clear from the start… everyone was after FL because of oracle, so expecting ppl to actually love her is a bit…..
Bruh I can’t with this anymore I wish fl gets kicked out of the royal place and becomes the wife a of commoner that doesn’t love her and regrets her whole life about thinking of her past husband as a sibling it would be fun just thinking about her and if ml also falls out of love for her and falls in love with this lady Kiara Sair and divorces fl and makes Lady Kiara. Ahh I just had the greatest idea ever if I wrote a web novel make it just like I felt I would feel so satisfied seeing the fl regret her foolish choices.
I Cant_Sleep
Fuck this in-law’s!!! It’s clear they never saw her as family but as a tool to bring back the fertility of their lands, but they also know they can’t bear to chase her out or kill her if they don’t want to go back to the trenches. Plus, they probably see how gullible she is that she won’t take offence if they brought up such a matter. And they probably want someone from their side to also be there for some reason