@Lighting-kun no one wants to read a story that’s resolved in 1 chapter bc that’s not a story, that’s worthless. also. you’ve been hating on the FL since chapter 1 and basically calling her dumb for not wanting to f*ck the boy she grew up with like a sibling.
both of them have hidden their feelings bc of their positions as royals and bc again, they grew up together like family. if you’re gonna hate and spread misogynistic bullsh*t every chapter just drop the series and take your sh*tty opinions elsewhere
I can resolve all siht in 1 chap tbh ppl don’t want to face their feeling, ppl want to keep their brain for decoration, ppl willing to accept anyone out of loneliness and in midst of not facing feelings you don’t even ask for opinion of those around you, Iris is dumb so is this FL but good thing it’s progressing dumb actions made me displeased enough that growth is dim in front of it
See I originally wasn’t gonna say anything but now I feel i need to while yes people in dark places tend to keep people even if they are bad for them in this case the sister of the ml was an ass and would ignore the fl even when she was being nice to her but when push came to shove she betrayed her long term childhood friend for the sake of the fl something that most people wouldn’t have the strength to do. Also if you are typing every single chapter about how the fl is stupid or blah blah blah just stop reading it’s that simple, but you continuing to read it just to complain that’s so stupid.
@Lighting-kun no one wants to read a story that’s resolved in 1 chapter bc that’s not a story, that’s worthless. also. you’ve been hating on the FL since chapter 1 and basically calling her dumb for not wanting to f*ck the boy she grew up with like a sibling.
both of them have hidden their feelings bc of their positions as royals and bc again, they grew up together like family. if you’re gonna hate and spread misogynistic bullsh*t every chapter just drop the series and take your sh*tty opinions elsewhere
I can resolve all siht in 1 chap tbh ppl don’t want to face their feeling, ppl want to keep their brain for decoration, ppl willing to accept anyone out of loneliness and in midst of not facing feelings you don’t even ask for opinion of those around you, Iris is dumb so is this FL but good thing it’s progressing dumb actions made me displeased enough that growth is dim in front of it
Meow me0w meow
See I originally wasn’t gonna say anything but now I feel i need to while yes people in dark places tend to keep people even if they are bad for them in this case the sister of the ml was an ass and would ignore the fl even when she was being nice to her but when push came to shove she betrayed her long term childhood friend for the sake of the fl something that most people wouldn’t have the strength to do. Also if you are typing every single chapter about how the fl is stupid or blah blah blah just stop reading it’s that simple, but you continuing to read it just to complain that’s so stupid.