SereUsagi The Prince literally said that FL is afraid of him with red eyes. Therefore, red is fear. When prince get mad, his eyes were dark/ black. December 2, 2023 at 8:31 pm Log in to Reply
Estrella So its based on their emotions Since it was red back then, does that mean she was angry? But she doesn’t look angry back then 2 July 8, 2022 at 5:28 pm Log in to Reply
MochaDeprrsso I’m guessing green is confusion, which explains why it’s been green for the entire conversation June 1, 2022 at 1:06 am Log in to Reply
Vancowpar I want eye color dictionary, feel like the eyes should have changed colors more during this scene December 24, 2021 at 8:44 pm Log in to Reply
Kira_M agree. they became green way too quickly for them not to change many times during this. January 18, 2022 at 9:54 pm
Uhm in their right mind made red sadness!?
They said red was SADNESS.
The Prince literally said that FL is afraid of him with red eyes.
Therefore, red is fear.
When prince get mad, his eyes were dark/ black.
Truck sama ~~ where are you :(
Maybe red was fear
So its based on their emotions
Since it was red back then, does that mean she was angry? But she doesn’t look angry back then 2
I’m guessing green is confusion, which explains why it’s been green for the entire conversation
I want eye color dictionary, feel like the eyes should have changed colors more during this scene
agree. they became green way too quickly for them not to change many times during this.