Bruh… What do you mean DoNt LooK At mE wITh SuCH FeAr?? It’s day 1 of your marriage and you literally just forced her country to hand her over as some sort of war prize… She’s not very scared of you this time just cause she’s a regressor and is mentally prepared.
Next- Woman, your enemy is your greedy inferiority complex laden brother. B-R-O-T-H-E-R! Please tell me you’ve put some plans in place over the last decade to stop him…
And this new dude looks so sus that 99.9% he is a bad guy… just not sure who he’s working for.
Bruh… What do you mean DoNt LooK At mE wITh SuCH FeAr?? It’s day 1 of your marriage and you literally just forced her country to hand her over as some sort of war prize… She’s not very scared of you this time just cause she’s a regressor and is mentally prepared.
Next- Woman, your enemy is your greedy inferiority complex laden brother. B-R-O-T-H-E-R! Please tell me you’ve put some plans in place over the last decade to stop him…
And this new dude looks so sus that 99.9% he is a bad guy… just not sure who he’s working for.
Why do I have a feeling that both the leads came back to relive their lives and not just the fl……is it just me?
Oh God! It’s him. The man working with Dietrich. It’s him!