Joshushushu pretty sure we aren’t suppose to feel bad for her. Pretty sure this is suppose to be an inverse of other regression stories where the protagonist regresses and tries to change the future to avoid a bad fate. The sister is doing the same thing but is still generally a pos and will likely fail still. even without spoilers the Duke is just gonna see some desperate redhead and a blond who immediately moved on and is ignoring him is gonna make him want the original choice.
Joshushushu pretty sure we aren’t suppose to feel bad for her. Pretty sure this is suppose to be an inverse of other regression stories where the protagonist regresses and tries to change the future to avoid a bad fate. The sister is doing the same thing but is still generally a pos and will likely fail still. even without spoilers the Duke is just gonna see some desperate redhead and a blond who immediately moved on and is ignoring him is gonna make him want the original choice.
This sht is lame asf, they’re trying so hard to make readers feel bad for the younger sister. 😂 So generic. I’m dropping this.
I think that necklace is connected to her regression somehow
how this BITCH regressed in time I wonder