Alldayrot I think the real lesson of this manhwa is that even if u regressed if you a btch u get what you deserve and why you tf is harimanga always go to shoppe whenever I press something it’s annoying as fuck I swear ima get another fcking site January 15, 2025 at 12:31 pm Log in to Reply
Kane55 Refreshing, an actual actual villain that went back in time…no rightful revenge, no quasi villainess, but an actual one July 26, 2024 at 1:25 am Log in to Reply
I think the real lesson of this manhwa is that even if u regressed if you a btch u get what you deserve and why you tf is harimanga always go to shoppe whenever I press something it’s annoying as fuck I swear ima get another fcking site
Refreshing, an actual actual villain that went back in time…no rightful revenge, no quasi villainess, but an actual one