My Second Husband Is Desperate And Depressed - Chapter 91
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Ohhh what if her ex husband sacrifices his life just to bring back her wife from the past. So thatz he can fix whatever the mistakes he made. Oh my what a twist
never forgive him
I don’t think he ever even understood what did he do wrong
This is why James is irredeemable. I hate that the author is trying to garner sympathy for him, because he’s just pathetic at this point. He turned back time numerous times, but each time, he failed; he never changed, never listened to Olivia, and made the same mistakes. He never respected her. I’d argue he never even loved her; he just wanted to possess her. It’s because of *him* and his failures that Olivia died in all of her previous lives.
He has turned back time multiple times, but the reason for turn back time is always the same. This last time he turned back time something different happened. They both remembered.
If he turned back time in the last life, did this prick just forget what he did to her in that time????