My Second Husband Is Desperate And Depressed - Chapter 86
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Should be back april 14th……but ya know how it goes sometimes
here some SPOILER about ex as doubt they will keep it fully in this version
first timeline she got killed by a spy (he never met his wife)
second timeline she was poisoned by one of the mothers cause he gave her the power of the household (still not met her)
third timeline is what she remembers where he was an abusive r*pist
and yes this is how he is depicted doing that shit CAUSE HE’S MAKING UP FOR LOST TIME not meeting her in first 2 timelines so yea beyond disgusting
he only goes by his mind women are only happy if they have kids so he just jumps on her every moment he gets get this man a s*xdoll not a human damnit
Current timeline she actually manages to drill it into his feeble last braincell and he actually gives up
While learning he was the one turning back time at the cost of his lifeforce and that he at most has 5 years left to live wich was his last ditch efford to get her back with his remaining time trying to make her feel guilty
Fiery Villainess
Cliffhangers should be banned 😤😡
How will i last till next season 😖
How could she not let him know???
Oh woman 😖 Are you stupid?! 😱 you could at least tell him. Now will have to wait ugh 😔 is that gonna be a thing. You just take it upon urself and have ian worry to death. What if he thinks she left him 😢