My Second Husband Is Desperate And Depressed - Chapter 8
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Your_Anxiety attack
James is just misunderstood…. Right?
James is a trash but the bods is gettingbme hot and bothered 😮💨
Not only did he rape her, he raped her while she was very weak and ill and in no shape for sex. I’m guessing from that awful childbirth we saw previously.
Our poor MC is traumatized from her 1st husband’s treatment towards her. It’s very sad, how could he be such a jerk! He treated her as a tool.
this is amazing. The fucking guy has 3 mothers in the house, no respect for his wife and rape, if he says he loves her, I’ll laugh.
Omggg FL life was so sad??? hopefully this 2nd life She gets her happiness ❤️❤️❤️❤️ That bastard James was rapist..even if They were couple still a husband shouldn’t force on wifee
Thank you~~~~~
Did he just force himself on MC???? ??
Wow that james gave her nothing but unhappyness and trauma
?thank you for updating?