My Second Husband Is Desperate And Depressed - Chapter 7
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I hope she can find love with her new husband , hopefully she’ll heal the wounds of giving birth alone. Her old husband is an ass
Usually the 2nd try at life with the ml is different bc the fl’s personality changes, I’m not the biggest fan of those bc they make the fl a combination of manic pixie dream girl happy and super competent do to foreknowledge, not realistic at all. That’s why I prefer the revenge plots
Your_Anxiety attack
I wish I can smack the shit out of her husband
I feel horrible for story about childbirth, too much pain like 3 rib fracture. plus indifferent husband. She repeat twice the suffer become worst not recovery.
The FL is the strongest FL in manhwa
Here is the greatest thing about this Manhwa is That trashy 1st life husband isn’t ML because most of manhwa stories ML was trash garbage and indifferent to FL in 1st life and sudden become gentle in 2nd life after FL dies. I don’t understand that cuz if they gonna be nice then why didn’t they tried in their previous lifee and in those manhwa 1st life Husband becomes ML in 2nd life too??? that’s irritating. But this Manhwa is different and I love it ?cuz Here ML Change and FL just want to live luxury and happy lifee which she didn’t get on her previous lifee. even if 1st husband is handsome (and have features of ML cuz other manhwa black hair are mostly becomes ML even if they act as trash) but he doesn’t deserve our poor FL?? SOOO I REALLYYY THANKKK HARIMANGA FOR GIVING CHANCE TO SEE THIS MANHWAA ❤️❤️❤️??❤️❤️?I love this comedy silly manhwa❤️❤️❤️???and love this weird couple ???❤️❤️❤️??
So sad huhu
I am happy she is leaving her 1st husband
Why live the same misery in ur second life
?thank you for updating?
Thats one garbage of a husband
Hari chan, give us that 20 chapter, please
Ophelia Jammy
I want more hari manga ??
More please ????