My Second Husband Is Desperate And Depressed - Chapter 47
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Princess Duck
⚠️ probably a spoiler ⚠️
I remembered reading spoiler about the reason james acting like he know olivia even when they never meet is actually because he regressed too. Idk how many times he regressed but it ended up with the death of olivia.
But still, I hate him 😒
Sooooo everyone talking about Parnell hasn’t technically done anything wrong…first off shame on y’all. The fact he is already THIS obsessed with her just shows he hasn’t changed. Second…I think he remembers. Just something about how he talks of her like they been intimate just gives me the feeling he also remembers their life together in the alternate reality. He even talks about how badly his family treats his ex wifey and how he didn’t do nothing to stop it. Definitely more than just seeing her prior to their marriage. This man knows more than he is letting on and y’all ppl are delusional if u think he redeemable. Just cuz he good looking does not make one innocent. Tch.
Just because she never said anything to him doesnt mean she wasn’t miserable. He never did anything for her, so why would she trust him to go agaist his mothers to pick her side. If he loved her so much, he wouldn’t do those things to begin with.
People defending him forget that the for thing she did after regression was give him a chance.
She asked to be given authority as his wife so that she wouldn’t have to endure the abuse of her mothers in law.
His response? Something like, “just be obedient to them”
Whenever I think about regression its like having a dream. Everything that happened in it seems real but has not happened yet. Different choices can be made and some people can change. Still the trauma from nightmares of a possible future seem hard to manage. Few regressor go back to their previous love in these stories.
I still wonder how she was able to regress and why.
Strictly speaking he had not done anything wrong, yet – he had to go to war to obtain permission to wed her. (Should have wed her upon returning) Plus: she was not really complaining but suffering in silence.
Maybe the one who rewinded time was her former husband. He does seem to love her… and he does seem to have memories of their past. Apparently they did not communicate well and he realized her suffering far too late. Well… too late for him to treat her well, since she kept her memories.
Amelia Marie
You raped her for years, took her children away and let your mother’s abuse her but yeah your sorry little too late mate
A**hole: she’s not the type of person to do such a thing
Us: how the f*ck would u know your never home!!!!!!!
“I did this for her” yea you did alot for her you humiliated her at her first wedding you refused to give her power in her own god damn house. Like at a certain point this isn’t anti social behavior it’s sociopathic. Especially what he is destined to do to her, it’s nuts.