My Second Husband Is Desperate And Depressed - Chapter 44
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Red flag .. you are a bad husband. And now she found her happiness and true home you’ll get her back? Of what to torture again? And live with regrets? Let her be. You are not her husband anymore
@Calico45 what do u mean she didnt say much to him? She sent him a damn letter long ass and explained about her whole situation and what did he say?” Shut up and stop making a fuss” how is that not saying smth and how is that being a man of few words. Being a man of no emotion and giving a fuck I would agree but few words? Idk
Cant she say smthv like “if u care so much about me u should have not let ur bitch mothers treat mean like a slave while giving them all the power of the house to even sign our divorce paper instead of u” wtf does he want jeez
thank god the translation is better! but goddamn, dis is spicy!
Once again this shows someone toxic who is obsessive and possessive. Who treats people like objects. Olivia is traumatized. She isn’t speaking cuz she can’t. She’s in shock. If u had PTSD or something traumatic happen to u, then you’d understand. it’s not easy to just stand up and defend yourself. She needs time. She may say something in next chapter but if not I get it. Parnell was physically obsessed with Olivia. He wanted her body and cared not for her being. As long as she was physically available to him he was fine. Now that she is gone and he never got to taste her so to speak he is livid. Enough to send his family to prison cuz they dated take what he believes is his possession. One he has lusted for years. She even said once he came back from war he was always on her. She was getting pregnant back to back almost. I bet he didn’t even stop if she was pregnant or after giving birth to heal. People like that…only care of their own satisfaction and not anyone else’s. Unfortunately that’s from experience. But hopefully the king with help Olivia along with our Mr. Grand Duke.
f him
I preferred to become a duel! Be the best man win
Someone gut this man like a fish
HELLO why isn’t she speaking up? Say something lady
Son Godku
It’s Back finally 👍
Amelia Marie
Jesus just fuck off
Despite the fact what he did to her in the future (not only the SA but also turned her kids against her hence why she was alone at the funeral) she still tried put up with the situation and asked to be made the duchess officially and he refused so screw up. Miscommunication she asked to be given her proper damn position as the wife of a duke and he said no listen to my moms well buddy your moms decided for you since they have your permission as the duchess. You wanna arrest them fine but how you gonna explain you refusing to allow her power over the household if you love her so much, makes you look like a real idiot trying to claim someone stole your wife when you wouldn’t give her the basic dignity of being the duchess and likely had her in the position of official concubine.
Sooooo happy this is back! !😭 I Can’t wait to see more updates !
What I don’t understand is this man could have any woman in the world but he wants the protagonist you don’t even love her?your mothers can’t stand her guts! so literally why do you want her back so you could tell her what to do like a dog f*ck u
I hate that it’s a communication thing. We know she didn’t say (much) that bothered her and he was a man of few words. I believe he loves her and I believe she never understood that, but that doesn’t mean they ever would have lived happily even if she had. That chance, though, is the real spice to this. Otherwise he’d be a boring villain.
Man I hope the jackass gets berated and beat down by Olivia, he deserves it fr. And what’s all this self righteousness when he was the reason Olivia’s life was so miserable?? He didn’t care before but now suddenly he wants her back… be fr. He makes my blood boil so much.
Speak up? Do you not understand her trauma of being r4ped by him all the time. She’s clearly afraid.
Can she at least speak up.
She was brave enough to be at that position, the least she can do is slap him with reality that he is a jackass and an abuser.
In the 1st chapters I actually felt sorry for this ex of hers, that he was just too busy and because he’s a momma’s boy he didn’t know how to treat her.
But this chapter has taken the last straw, he just saw her as a sex object.
I’m sure the 3jackass said that Olivia is at fault.. 🙁