My Second Husband Is Desperate And Depressed - Chapter 42
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So even if the king gets rid of his other kids so the current heir can have the throne, if FL and ml ever have a son he’ll have more rights to the throne than the current crown “prince”
The emperor doesn’t hate her! Remember how in the past life he killed everyone who opposed her being the next king. And it was heavily implied he got rid of all his concubines’ ambitions to make her his rightful heir. He may not be a good dad but he is truly fighting for her right to the throne.
Attitudes like that are why rulers kill their blood kin y’know
Why on earth does this guy hate his daughter so much???
I’m sure we all know at this point who the “other heir to the throne” is but does he REALLY have to do this now??? Especially in front of a crowd like this????????
Well there are 2 things about it. 1 she is a woman and the family line usually goes down male lines. Not always but still a chance and 2 she is pretty unambitious since she expects the throne. In the original time line that was always gonna be true because the Duke never got married now that he is it’s a given that he is also given a chance to be the ruler.
I want to believe that the emperor is doing this to strengthen Startis’ resolve for the throne. However, if it is otherwise then idk what to feel about him now
Well either strength his resolve or let a better leader take over. Either way he wants the kingdom to do better.