My Second Husband Is Desperate And Depressed - Chapter 40
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Well played! romeo😎
Good boy Romeo 👍
Romeo is such a good friend
So on another site I heard the crown princess prefers their pronouns to be he/him/his. Which makes sense on childhood memories were they were dressed up like a girl then got mad and started acting and dressing like a guy. So hence why it’s Crown Prince and they are so tomboyish.
Nice one Romeo ?
Just buy a bug spray to shoo him away…
What’s wrong with the translation, i thought Romeo’s partner was the crown princess
Oh so now you feel like calling her your wife? When all you did was satisfy your own selfish reasons? Go to hell b*tch
A**whole: when can I see my wife?
Us: you never cared about her then why now?? did your b*tch of a mothers tell u to bring her back so they can torture her
“My wife?” This btich… Stfu we know you are pitiful too you did nothing to her at all and that’s all the cause of her death….. You love her but negligence is not how you love someone you have no right to bring her back…. You have to make her feel good but you do seggs like animals mating without caring if see wants it or not…. ?
Wtf!? Is wrong with him ? His wife? You punk ass ? you didn’t even treat her as such! Her bestie got her back and will protect her from that son of a ?!
But ???? the honeymoon phase is strong with those two.
Ex wife remember you left her with the 3 bit**es of the west and you said that they can decide what to do with her until you got back from the battle all of this was your fault
Well he had a chance, many chances. ☕