My Second Husband Is Desperate And Depressed - Chapter 31
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I mean, in these kinds of setting, concubines are often taken in by kings for political reasons or to have more children to sell off. It’s hard to tell by the translation, but that’s what it sounds like was happening here. The empress was only bearing daughters, so either because of this or for other reasons he had to take in concubines who then had sons. It says the empress wasn’t jealous or angry, so it may be that she understood. Since his wife didn’t bear any sons, the crown prince would be the son of a concubine. It’d follow that the concubines would then harbor thoughts that they could replace the empress and those are the ambitions he shut down, any thoughts of killing or deposing her. It’s definitely against current sensibilities, but really the single empress royal families from many manhwa are way more unrealistic than this king is scummy.
Because it’s implied that he killed the ambition of all those women for the sake of his wife, which Sovieshit never did. That being said, it still isn’t right and he is still a POS for treating his wife like that.
So… Basically he went off and got his Digg wet with other women and had b@$tards and the mistresses look down on the queen???
I’d go crazy. I’d become a murderer ?
You guys hate the King from Remarried Empress but like this traitor of a King??? Why? Because he’s funny?
a new character I see
You go girl