My Second Husband Is Desperate And Depressed - Chapter 30
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The 3 are living a married life….. ….
Annie is the captain of this ship and she’s pressganging Olivia whether she likes it or not. ?
Whoops.. too late, handsome..
UH- not him visiting her bestii ? yall he tore up for that like you doing too much ?☠️?
Catherine Briar
Did he get leave or just abandon his position?
Omo everyone who read the novel have the same opinion Fufufufu ☕
Yes cause he ain’t shit, like it would be different if he actually tried to help but he really told to listen to his NASTY ASS MOTHERSSSS like you got 3 dumbass moms that you want me to listen to not even just one BUT three like no he gots to go Hot or Not he needs to stop
DudeI still don’t like you. You a hottie but when Olivia reached out her hand to you for help, you ignored her and told her to just listen weel to your mothers. Wtf is that thinking
Oh man. I have read the novel and no matter what i can’t bring myself up to potty the ex husband. Even though have turned back time for sack of his wife (now ex wife) he didn’t did anything more then that. Three lives and he’s still amature emotionally and don’t know how to solve shits, for god’s sake he’s an idiot 🙁
Hold on, he’s the one who turned back time? What??
I’m excited but feel bad too cuz I read a spoiler…
omg can’t wait for the duke and him to meet sksbsjsksbdbs i just know Ian would be vvv jealous
Zhongli simp
Oh, remember when she tried to stay as his wife and just asked him to give her enough power to mot get bullied by her in laws and servants? He deserves all the blame
I can already imagine what the ex came there to talk about his first wife why did she leave him it’s like dude you’re the problem not her?