My Second Husband Is Desperate And Depressed - Chapter 3
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Cozy Blessed
Why wasn’t Ian’s character replaced with her husband’s character? Ian’s face is more suitable for the second ml 😔
U know I Don’t like they get dovorce her husband is too handsome?
I think more than Ian🤔?
Your_Anxiety attack
I feel like her husband is just misunderstood☹️
the fl is so funny?
I thought nothing happened to them so what’s with that bed scene?
Its was a memory of her first life with him.
The black haired trash better not be the ML
Bruhhh this man can be ADONIS in bed I don’t care he treats her like trash who cares about that ??
Let her marry someone again who she can benefit from and have peace of mind, you clearly don’t understand because you don’t have cruel in laws who treats you like trash, then don’t like it then!
Who tf cares if her husband is handsome but he lets her to rot with her 3 IN LAWS? She’s the rightful duchess since she married him but, he didn’t even give her authority and let her live like a maid.
So what instead of marrying a cold baby-snitch you’ll be marrying an all-women’s man !
So far I really don’t like this !
Let her marry someone again who she can benefit from and have peace of mind, you clearly don’t understand because you don’t have cruel in laws who treats you like trash
D*mn, her husband is way more handsome than the duke she’s planning to marry 🙁
Who tf cares if her husband is handsome but he lets her to rot with her 3 IN LAWS? She’s the rightful duchess since she married him but, he didn’t even give her authority and let her live like a maid.