My Second Husband Is Desperate And Depressed - Chapter 22
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@Spacetrebushet maybe they have some magical herb that is used for birth control.
so how exactly did they find out he’s sterile…. you know what…. nvm they are probably setting it up for a surprise pregnancy and I’m not here for it….
I dont get it, why not just ask her, “Olivia, please tell me why that necklace is so precious to you?” It would really simplify things, and give room for more exciting developments to occur.
Alexandre Schihann
it is from her mother .
I believe it’s a keepsake of her late mother but I could be wrong
I need them to talk about the necklace ?
Rain Trevil
why is he so handsome
He should’ve just ask instead of speculating who gave that necklace kabskabskbs
Thanks for the update
too short!!! but tnx anyway